Monday, September 9, 2013

Potato Potahto

Normally at this hour I'd already be on my way to work, but I have a training class in another building at 8:30 am so I have time to kill at home before leaving.  Nice to be able to sit around for an extra hour, but I don't know what to do with myself.  I am sitting here, hoping that a blog post emerges from this early morning brain.

And so, a rant on this Monday morning.

Oh don't sit there and act all surprised...ranting is what I do best.

I use the word "adoptee" a lot on my blogs.  Kind of hard not to when you are one, right?  What confuses me is the fact that the spell checker doesn't recognize the word.  See?

If, according to Blogger, I'm not supposed to use "adoptee", then what suggestions does it give me?


Most of us have heard about "Positive Adoption Language", or rather, as an adoptee, have read about what adoption agencies and potential adoptive parents think the language should be to make themselves feel better.

Perhaps the fact that the word "adoptee" isn't recognized is just another trick of the adoption agencies.

"No no, the kid isn't an adoptee..they are an "ADOPTED CHILD".  Let's make adoptee a bad word so they'll all start using the right terminology!"

Hey, think that's not possible?  These are the same people who cringe when someone uses the term "natural parent" to describe the people who gave them life.

To them, I say, read the definitions and weep.

Notice that on the definition of "parent", the first line talks about the people who gave you life and the second line talks about being raised by other people.

Personally, I choose to say "natural"...others may use "original"..and others may choose to say "birth" parents.  The point is, you can't force someone to use the terms you feel most comfortable with, if those aren't what work for him or her.

You want to call me an adopted person behind my back?  Fine.  I've surely been called  But I will continue to refer to myself as an adult ADOPTEE...loudly and proudly.

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